B.E Mechnical Engineering Learning Path: Start to Goal

  1. Basics of Engineering and Science

    Engineering Mathematics

    Engineering Physics

    Engineering Chemistry

    Basics of Mechanical Engineering

    Basics of Electrical Engineering

  2. Information

    Basics of Electronics

    Basics of Computer

    Control Engineering


  3. Energy

    Heat Transfer

    Applied Thermodynamics

    Basic Thermodynamics

    Fluid Mechanics

    Fluid Power Systems

  4. Material

    Engineering Mechanics

    Mechanics of Material

    Design of machine elements

    Mechanicl Vibrations

    Finite Element Methods

  5. Machines

    Theory of Machines


    Internal Combustion Engine

  6. Manufacturing

    Manufacturing process

    Non traditional machining

    Coputer Aided Manufacturing

    Mechanical measurements and metrollogy

    Material science and Metallargy

  7. Industry

    Introduction to Aircraft Industry and Aircraft systems

    Automotive Engineering

    Renewable energy technologies

  8. Management

    Engineering Management & Entrepreneurship

    Total Quality Mangement

    Environamental Studies

    Proffessional Ethics

    Constitution of India

  9. Tools

    Coputer Aided Design